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Norfolk Farms

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Issue 21 / Spring 2022

Long known as a tobacco-producing county, Norfolk County farmers have proven their resilience by evolving to other crops in the past few decades.

Today, Norfolk County touts itself as Ontario’s Garden. According to the 2016 Census of Agriculture by Statistics Canada, Norfolk is the leading producer of asparagus, tart cherries, pumpkins, ginseng and peppers in the country. Provincially, Ontario is the top region for producing cabbage, rye, squash and zucchini. That’s not to mention there are also growers of sweet corn, potatoes, tomatoes, green and wax beans, carrots and many other vegetables.

The numerous roadside stands providing farm-fresh produce in the summer are testament to what Norfolk County farmers can grow, and their ability to innovate and offer value-added product.

This issue features apples, hydroponic lettuce, strawberries and other berries, peaches, and much more. Past issues have featured other crops, with so much diversity Norfolk County farmers could provide an entire meal, with a variety of main courses and vegetables for every day of the week. There are beef and poultry farmers to provide the protein, asparagus, potatoes and a wide variety of vegetables to round out the meal.

Outside of farms, there are numerous businesses which support farmers in Norfolk, such as equipment dealerships, a greenhouse manufacturer and welding shops. Several provincial marketing boards and commodity organizations also call Norfolk County home.

Farming is a big part of Norfolk County’s economy, fabric, people and life. This issue is a continuing celebration of the county’s farming, its farmers and farm organizations.

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